
When you are born you are shaped by your parents, family, educators and others; your Culture. Often the decisions made in early life will have a huge impact on your life direction, your experience of the world or your manifestation of reality. Astrology can show who you really are, what the purpose of your Soul in this life is and reveal your true potential.

The Soul of a child prodigy knows when born exactly why it came into being. Most of us don’t. You might have a goal for your life, or try to discern one. Perhaps I can be of help. For a Consultation I analyze and interpret your birth chart, your potential. The Consultation will include a analytical discussion of your past life development and a strategic focus on your future concerns. Plans, dreams and projects ahead can be put in perspective. Your insight expands, to help transform pain, fears, or address the challenges you are facing.

Clients are advised this is a very personal strategic discussion, not a general Astrological reading performance. I will look at your current situation as a starting point and take that forward in time to create a map for the next twelve months or more as needed. This is exceptionally valuable, as it allows you to prepare.

When you book your session I will ask you to submit any particular questions or issues that you want to make sure are covered during the reading. Furthermore I will need the data of at least two major life events which you have experienced preferable before the age of thirty. During the meeting I will communicate as clearly and directly as is helpful for your understanding and empowerment. Audio recording is available via email and can be sent to you after the Consultation. I suppose you have questions when you are reading this. Please look at my contact page or call me via Skype [skype-status]

Please find my English brochure in PDF format including Pricing for download at this link: Astrologer Zamira Endt
Mijn Nederlandse brochure in PDF format met prijsinformatie kunt u hier downloaden: Astrologe Zamira Endt

Illusion of Reality with love

Ethical Code

With regard to the privacy protection of personal data, the Dutch Privacy Laws are in compliance (WPB).

  • All communication and exchanged data between the Client and Astrologer will be strictly confidential and maintained. This eliminates the use of Client charts for lectures, articles, or in sharing a database with other Astrologers for professional advancement purposes that contains such confidential material. Only after explicitly consent and prior permission has been obtained in writing and/or names have been eliminated data could be shared.
  • All information obtained before, during and after a Consultation remains strictly confidential and will be protected: hard copy and/or data on the used Computer.
  • From ethical considerations, no statements are being made with a focus on serious sickness, diseases, death or other explicit negative issues. Information which is not contributing to the further well-being, growth and fulfillment of Client’s potential. However, there can possibly be referral to the the regular medical or therapeutic circuit.
  • Forecasts are made based on Secondary progressions, the progressive Moon-phase, Transits and Solar Return. Explanation concerning ‘destiny and free will’ is given so that the Client realizes that its own choice exists, within the framework of the horoscope.
  • Horoscopes for third parties are only drawn after authorization from this person, with the exception of children under twelve.
  • When a composite horoscope (relational horoscope of two people) is drawn only the mutual horoscope is discussed.